Cops being hired today can’t handle the .357 magnum. The revolver, more so than the vast majority of autoloaders, makes it easy to get a good fit simply by changing the grips. ∙ 2009-07-21 00:23:14. Because today’s cops can’t handle a 357 or a 44. Though I haven’t done it, I would have no issue dropping my modern glock in the dishwasher and cycling it through. Full-Size Handgun: Go Big Before Going Compact. It’s not like it’s an expensive add-on per unit of firearm manufactured. presumably, with a semiautomatic, when the SHTF, you will have a couple of spare magazines already loaded, and can shoot 45 rounds with two reloads. Free Online Library: The revolver advantage. Totally subjective. That’s all TV. YMMV. While both of these reasons are valid, most defensive gun uses can and are resolved with less than five or six rounds at short distances. They both have a special place in my heart. Hauls your shit and frontal armor too. Achetez un jeu de tir en plein air et un imitation revolver pistolet à eau personnalisé sur pour que les enfants puissent jouer avec. I couldn’t resist commenting #6 on cleaning your gun. Something about a revolver just says, “Bubba, I’m about to put a hole through you big enough to park my pick up.” 18. Generally, when a pistol is worn out, its accuracy is greatly affected, but will still function reliably. I negate the remembering to bring the mags quote, because you have to remember to bring ammo or speed loaders for a revolver, too. #10. Ruger’s LCP is a prime example. Well Gov, if the crowd is too hopped up on adrenalin to notice your stop the beta Male strategy then what’s your backup plan when you start three seconds from a bunch of people jumping you now with deadly intent? I often get confused here. But with a ruger p89 with 51 rounds on me, I don’t think I will ever use my back up gun. even back then. To compare them to real carry weapons is disingenuous. Now for the downside, except for .22 revolvers, they are all more expensive than a semi-auto pistol. Depends on what the tool to do. Slide reciprocation hurts accuracy? I have been shooting for about 45 years both alone and with my friends and I can tell you the last thing you would ever want to do is go up against one of them and their revolvers. I’ve certainly had a much easier time finding ammo, reasonably priced, for my Ruger GP100 Wiley Clapp. I know my .41 mag, .44 mag, .357 mag, .44 Sp., or .45 Colt will accomplish #17. Crane hinge. The most accurate handgun I ever owned. The only automatic round that will do the job right is the All American .45 ACP (thank you John Moses Browning). REVOLVERS ARE RELIABLE Nowadays, that is not necessarily true; many autos will function for thousands of rounds between malfunctions, due to police dep’t and military reliability requirements. 8. No experience with the .480 Ruger. For concealed carry, I have two small sigs, both are easy to conceal and one is the P365 so it has serious capacity too. 3) A revolver doesn’t require fully jacketed bullets to feed reliably. When your adrenaline is pumping like a fire house and lead us flying back you I want to see how many of those 6 will hit your target. If revolvers are still relevant why didn’t 686 win the MHS competition? I have fired a few revolvers and even own one, an old 38 s&w copy that was my grandfathers. Because this handgun doesn't have a pointy hammer sticking up, it can often be easier to draw — especially when you're pulling it out of a shoulder holster or appendix holster. There has been an error with your Email Subscription. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 514... une cible placée révolver , et non comme simple pistolet . à cent mètres de ... il y aurait avantage Dans le révolver actuel , les tubes porteà en doter ... Not that I can likely do that, but those that can are correct. Sorry. JWT for TTAG. It’s much less effective at recoil mitigation. They are going to pull your DNA from them, which is better evidence than a fingerprint. I’ll take six .357 magnum over seventeen 9 mm any day of the week. I could not agree more. The Kimber with a 4 inch barrel is fugly IMO. Revolvers hAve their pluses but in a gunm fight I want more. Plastic pistols are made, revolvers are crafted. and when i need a little more bang i carry my G20. I dunno… maybe it’s cuz I was mugging too and trying not to shake my head “no” too hard…. That’s what 4 wheel drive and zz top blaring on the speakers was meant for. Part of that reliability is the fact that the revolver will shoot a much wider variety of ammunition. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 428Bien que nettement plus puissant que le pistolet Ruby ( cf. p . ... cartouches est le plus grand avantage que puisse avoir un pistolet sur le revolver ) . With an autoloader it’s necessary to thoroughly test the gun with any specific type of ammunition because they are somewhat picky about bullet weight, shape, and velocity. Buffalo Bore was $2.00 a rd. Guessing you’ve never had a (mostly peaceful) BLM bowel movement come through and enrich ( burn, loot, and maraud) your town.. 2) Those who have shot a 10mm semi-auto pistol generally don’t think of it as a compromise. Wow! The piece was the S&W 686 (38/357), I bought a plus version (7 rounds) in 4″ barrel and also own an 8 round model with 5.5″ barrel. What a joke. Bottom line: six shots in OFTEN nowhere near enough. It’s how long it takes to reload under stress when someone might be shooting at you. Six chambers to scrub. But I cant shoot revolvers, not at all. Revolvers are larger, fatter, heavier, and bulkier than comparable semis, e.g. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 13L'une des seules armes dont le barillet bascule à droite est le revolver ... Un avantage du revolver est qu'il permet l'utilisation , dans certains cas ... More like the 33+1 Ruger PC Carbine (10 mags), followed by the 30+1 AR-15’s (two rifles, dozens of mags), the Mossbergs of course, can’t forget to bring those to the party …. Then again, the author is posing as a character from Blazing Saddles, and THAT character was most definitely a buffoon, so…. I grant you, there are drawbacks with the pistol, but the advancements in technology has greatly shortened the gap, and in many areas, give it great advantages over the revolver. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 71Nous avions annoncé l'apparition d'un revolver Comblain , à révolution ... nature à être appliqués avec beaucoup d'avantage au revolver å rotation continue ... A semi-auto will be capable of firing a single shot in such a scenario. Frequently Asked Questions. Est un revolver ou un . So long as the shooter is familiar with it and comfortable using it. Quicker and deadlier with a 357 than anybody on the planet. Spray and pray, or get out of the way. Beside the point. My pistol has 17+1 reasons to carry it over my revolver and I haven’t left the grip area of the gun yet to continue adding to the list. A Glock cleaned a couple times a year carried every day as EDC will not corrode other than cheap aftermarket parts such as extended slide release etc. Hard not to like either one. I digress. Unless it is a Beretta, they generally will not break up or fly apart. Like Clint Smith said, “A handgun is something you use to fight your way to your rifle.” Say what you want. 12 Advantages A Revolver Has Over A Semi-Auto That You May Not... LeBron James on Guns: Black People Think You’re Hunting Us, Houston’s Anti-Gun Police Chief Looking to Hire Officers Who Have Been ‘Defunded’, Hands-On With SIG SAUER’s Spectre Pistols: P320XCarry Spectre & P365XL Spectre. Well, I would like to see a 4″ HB stainless Security Six. La plupart des pistolets ont un chargeur amovible dans lequel les balles sont chargées. I don’t it often but at a couple of equals where I had to do a combat reload it took less time than you take swinging out the cylinder and dumping the brass let alone reloading fresh rounds. Why I sold my 9mm LCR, jammed cylinder, Hornady Critical Duty. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 947Description de la carabine ( mousqueton ou fusil ) revolver à hélices . La description que nous venons de faire du pistolet s'applique dans son ensemble à ... Speed loaders are bulky and quite difficult to manage under stressful situations. No matter which; why wouldn’t you have a reload? Powerful. Jimmy, I love a .357. Anyone properly versed in either type should know whether his pistol is loaded, and should know how to safely check. You’ll die. Not the best set up for accuracy. When pointed at someone, they can SEE that cylinder full of ash trays ’bout to come their way, and they’ll believe that story about the pick up. 14. Sometimes you run out of ideas so you go with the easy one but dang that was a lot of words to express an opinion and that’s all it is. Magnum Research even makes a .45-70 revolver. Being fair, spring change is necessary for the lower power variant’s Guv, but to my eye, .460 wins that argument pretty decisively. This is true. Ce n'est pas nécessaire pour "racker la glissière". This isn’t a problem for me or most others. Revolver Bar Stool is positioned on a bearing mechanism that enables the seat and foot ring to rotate 360 degrees. Subscribe! most of the time I am carrying some sort of revolver, I try to avoid mobs, and trouble. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 298... la même fonction que dans le revolver breveté ; — Que le pistolet Perrin ... forme légèrement conique offre cet avantage , que la cartouche est placée ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 121Le revolver aurait résolu le problème d'une manière satisfaisante , si l'effet ... la puissance balistique des pistolets ordinaires et la faculté de tirer ... 17. A Beginner's Guide. Counterpoint to multi-round of revolver vs. semi-auto’s capability: Rowland conversions. Pro: Less Risk Of Snagging Many firearms owners who carry concealed weapons choose hammerless revolvers. Therefore I am solidly in the semiauto camp. . The last handgun I will ever buy is a S&W Model 625 in .45ACP. Granted, ammo is important in an auto, but I personally saw some poorly reloaded ammo jam up at least three revolvers before they had to give up on it. He dismissed revolvers first on capacity then terminal performance. Easier to check status? THE REVOLVER TRIGGER IS HEAVY The revolver trigger’s double action pull is say, 7-15lbs; many of the new-gen pistol’s trigger pull ranges from 5-11lbs, especially the DAO’s, and they too have a long pull. And not only is it “All American” but it’s intimidating as hell when you pull out a N- frame S&W, or a Colt Anaconda, or a big mama Ruger SA or DA revolver. The lans and groves on the bullets you shoot out of your gun. Cylinder face. .460 Rowland > .45 SMC > .45 Super > .45 ACP All in the same gun. They said I’m crazy for doing it. I purposefully put a bad round of ammunition in a revolver, and in a semi-auto to see which firearm type Soul? maybe a 357. A higher capacity does mitigate the disadvantage of a weaker round. I have both, really like both, but like my revolvers more. Try reloading in a short range firefight with strips or speed loaders. # 13. And 7 in the 1911. if that doesn’t solve the problem, I need a bigger gun. There are no extra buttons or levers to push, which means that there are no buttons or levers to forget to push. Freedom Arms. Retrouvez dans cette page les informations sur les coffres fort arme. Just swing out the cylinder. Fortunately, removing the grips from a Remington is a straightforward process, which it most certainly isn't in a Colt. Before setting up my 2 Beastmakers in my new place, I realized the 2k didn't really provide new challenges that suited my needs right now, so I figured I'd take a Bam board instead, being rather weak on any kind of hold that's not positive, I figured it'd be a good way to work on non-positive small holds. (Personal Defense Market) by "Shooting Industry"; Sports, sporting goods and toys industry Business Sport, sporting goods and toys industry If the cop had been using a .357, two shots would have sufficed, and the perp wouldn’t still be alive. #11. (Though I am working on a fix.). 18+1 in my 9 mm 1911. If I get a revolver it will likely be a 357 with a 3 or 4″ barrel. I have been tempted to send off that same LCP and have it nitrided to move it up to the category of a modern functional firearm.For those that love their LCP, don’t get me wrong it’s an accurate and reliable gun if a little under powered. if antifa or blm comes to my door, I think that some sort of long gun AND my revolvers AND my semi autos will come out, but also my tasers stun guns pepper ball launchers and pepper spray, and I would probably need all of that. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 328Le Pistolet REVOLVER - LEFAUCHEUX , a six couPS , qui a été soumis ... co Pistolet offro les avantages : Prix du Pistolet Revolver - Lefaucheux . The character in Blazing Saddles may be a buffoon, but the author who uses that handle as a nom de plum definitely is NOT. The best reason to carry a revolver……..357. I love wheelguns and fwiw, I suspect that most readers here have both. 1. The clockwork on any revolver is quite delicate; if it is too worn, or slightly damaged, the revolver will either shave off part of the bullet at the forcing cone, making it highly inaccurate and hazardous to anyone standing to the side of the revolver, or it will simply not function, and lock up. Your not suppose to kiss the shell casing……. And… I have enjoyed his comments on this web site for many moons and look forward to many more. “but muh accuracy and training on reloads”, Real talk though, I saw some tool open carrying a glock with a 30 rounder in a drop leg nylon holster the other day…. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 292... des observadèle de sabre et de pistolet ou revolver qu'il tions consignées ci ... à l'avantage doit être formellement interdit aux gardes de la carabine ... Trouvé à l'intérieur... revolver comme d'un pistolet de tir ou de disperser la foule des ennemis sous une pluie continue de balles , suivant les besoins de l'action , Avantage ... drop the whole thing in a bucket of simple green and scrub with a brush, dry well manually or with hair dryer on low. Playing Ruskin’s roulette with a semi automatic just isn’t as exciting#14, Playing spin the cylinder point at head is just not as fun with an automatic#14. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 18Je vénients . résume ce principe : les surfaces directes soumises à la pres- Le nouveau pistolet ne tourne pas comme le revolver , consion de l'air doivent ... Countersunk chambers will hide those case rims and those chamber mouths are aligned with the muzzle. 7) Easy cleaning – Ok, but you have six or more chambers to clean. Deadly. Draw the pistol, rotating the wrist to normal orientation as the arm is brought up to shooting position. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 191L'instruction sur ce nouveau pistolet a été ratifiée par le secrétaire d'État du ... Il a comme avantage sur le revolver que les coups tirés n'ont pas de ... 7. 01.1 Définition du revolver. .500 S&W magnum changes the religion of the soul. It is farcical and utterly laughable. Oh, and “most defensive gun uses can and are resolved with less than five or six rounds at short distances” is the standard Liberal argument behind every effort and state law meant to ban “large-capacity magazines.”. © COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Grant Cunningham is a world-renowned revolversmith and certified Combat Focus Shooting instructor, with experience teaching general self defense with handguns and revolver-specific courses. 3) Most modern semi-auto pistols feed JHP just fine (this is the stupidest argument so far). The Art of Revolver Shooting: Together with All Information Concerning the Automatic and Single-Shot Pistol, and How to Handle Them to the Best Advantage (Classic Reprint) [Winans, Walter] on Everybody knows revolvers are less lethal than semi-autos. They’re will be a few zombies left over. This is true. I’m kidding anyway, I very much doubt y’all live where I do. They are not worried about pulling fingerprints from ejected shells. Quite a few semi autos in between but I’m most fond of the revolvers. Way down my list. The slim, slightly dished seat features curved edges for additional comfort, while the footrest provides support and the weighty base creates total stability. Trouvé à l'intérieurCe pistolet offre les avantages : Prix du Pistolet revolver - Lefaucheus : 1. De se charger dans moins d'un quart de Pistolet uni sans gravure , avec 50 ... ……]”. They only way you could pull dna off a spent shell casing would be if you spit, bled, or jizzed on them after you fired them. Initially I was uninterested in owning a revolver, it was all about the semi-auto that would hold 10 rounds or more in 9mm and of course possibly owning the venerable 1911 as well. I got in a gunm fight once, six runs out pretty fast, ducked behind a car and tried to reload from loose rounds in my pocket, son of a bitch.
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