Graven forces the girls to take him to the lab. Laura, however, has other ideas. gl:Laura Gauthier Mutiny is the twenty-second episode of Code Lyoko Evolution and the overall one hundred and seventeenth episode of Code Lyoko. Laura was originally approached by Jeremie due to her extensive knowledge of programming and quantum physics, and was intended to be a one-time confidant to the team. "Les livres la transportaient dans des univers inconnus et lui faisaient rencontrer des personnages hors du commun qui menaient des vies exaltantes." Matilda a 30 ans, par Quentin Blake. Concealed amongst some hills was the entrance to the underground headquarters for L'albatros. Air Date (US) Mrs. Einstein - First Time Laura Appeared.PNG, Mrs. Einstein - First Time Laura Was Drawn to the Factory.PNG, Considering that Laura shares the exact same last name as. Code Lyoko: Evolution (Mật mã Lyoko: Tiến hóa) là phần tiếp theo (phần 5) của loạt phim hoạt hình Pháp Code Lyoko.Phim được công chiếu tại Pháp trên kênh France 4 vào ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012 và trên toàn cầu từ 05 tháng 01 đến 19 tháng 12 năm 2013. 1:11. Laura approaches him and asks if he would like to come with her and plant the virus, asking whether he wants all of this to be over. The others successfully deactivated the tower and launched the time reversion. is launching an attack in the early hours of the morning. Oct 14, 2013 Code Lyoko Chronicles and Hiatus #2. 3:49. The group is forced to make a decision that they do not want to make. However, they do not plan to share any details about the missions and plan to keep her as uninformed as possible. Aelita, Jeremy, Ulrich, Yumi, William, Odd, Samantha, Laura, Sissi, Carlos y Alicia se han ido de vacaciones sólos a una casa en la playa. This episode marks the second and final time in which a. Laura is the newcomer in the group of Lyoko Warriors. - Laura hears about Franz Hopper and does some research on him. Sommaire Pauline Serieys, née à Paris le 21 juin 1997, est une actrice française. She was irritated of Aelita's stubborness to continue the mission no matter how few. She spends her time at the library as she likes studying and working a lot. During the events of the episode Mutiny, she finally went against a key group decision, nearly dooming the team and ensuring loss of both her membership and her memories of the group's existence. for a long time before she arrived and it was very difficult to free him from X.A.N.A. We did not find results for: Check spelling or type a new query. Code Lyoko Evolution: Laura - The 7th Lyoko Warrior (500 Subs Video!) Luckily, Ulrich disposes of a tracking device Tyron had put on them and Jeremie launches a return to the past. During her time in the laboratory however, she manages to permanently change the boundaries of the return to the past program without Jeremie's knowledge to include herself to be unaffected by the memory loss side effects. Laura is keen to implement it, now understanding what a dangerous threat X.A.N.A. She is quite a bookworm and studious, educational teenager. Laura accidentally lets Graven of her knowledge of quantum physics, leading him to believe that she must indeed know about Lyoko. Jeremy's Blues . Lise (Code Lyoko) Louise Della Robbia. In Rendezvous, Jeremie was worried when Aelita took off and leaves Laura in charge of the Supercomputer while the group is on a mission. The Scyphozoa then ensnares William and is ready to possess him again. She then leaves when seeing Laura coming back, but she is soon confronted by Laura, who saw her look at her tablet. But when he gets to the Cortex, Laura has some difficulty programming the MegaPod due to some glitches. 017Bluefield 21:49, 2 January 2014 (UTC) Move proposed at WP:RMTR; opened up here to allow discussion. Laura pulls the scientific institution's card out of her bag, still clearly interested in the idea. The final section of this page will allow you to find the other image galleries from the site. Odd had described Laura as a female alter-ego of Jeremy; as they both have blonde hair and baby blue eyes and are both supremely smart, clever, knoweldgeable, intuitive, gifted, talented, and intelligent in astonisgingly complex and incomprehensible scientific fields. Just Laura On Codelyokofr Deviantart Code Lyoko Code Lyoko Evolution Laura. En trois essais décisifs, Rem Koolhaas nous invite à tourner la tête vers ce que nos villes sont devenues. Et de nombreux lyokofans t'attendent sur notre forum ! Pour délivrer la contrée de Mousseray de Tsarmina, la chatte sauvage, Martin le souriceau part à la recherche de Biso le Héros. Celui-ci vit désormais à Salamandastron, la montagne de feu. With her memories erased, it is unknown how she would interact with the Lyoko Warriors if the possibility ever came up again. Harlem Shake - code lyoko evolution and code lyoko. Laura has said that she's not so much into the actual computer game, but the design and layout form behind it. At the beginning of the day again, Graven gets a phone call confirming that they lost Lyoko's signal and to abort the mission. The entire team is seen wearing their regular clothes after leaving the cross country, even though they were wearing their gym attire at the time. She looks at Aelita and wishes they were more. Odd teased Jeremie about Laura possibly having a romantic crush on Jeremie, judging by the way she talked to him twice, annoying Aelita. 's clutches. In order to prevent it, Laura took him to the factory and showed the supercomputer to him. L'ours a perdu son chapeau. Air Date (France) Laura made her first appearance during math class in Mrs. Einstein, where she solved an equation that Jeremie could not, which humiliated him. Jeremie furiously scolds and rebukes Laura, angry about what she tried to do without consulting him first. Code Lyoko Evolution Season 6 is the sixth season of the French animated series Code Lyoko 2003-2007 and it follows the events of the fifth season, It will consist of twenty-six episodes.This fanfiction season follows the cliffhanger episode of season 5 Ultimate Mission as it was revealed that X.A.N.A was not killed or defeated as of yet Laura has been kicked out of the group after having . It seems highly unlikely they would stop to change considering the dire circumstances. She is portrayed by Pauline Serieys. Code Lyoko Evolution Episode 8 English. At the end of Season 4, XANA implanted one of his source codes in Ulrich's body, and as a result he can now deactivate towers. She is portrayed by Pauline Serieys. Les enjeux économiques, politiques et stratégiques du pétrole servent de toile de fond à une intrigue qui a pour cadre géographique le Moyen-Orient. Surprisingly, she manages to understand everything Jeremie is working on at first glance. William desperately attempts to use his Zweihänder to devirtualize himself, but it is immediately destroyed by one of the Krabs before he could even pick it up. At first, she's only interested in Jeremy, completely ignoring the others. Later, Laura stayed in with Jeremy and watched as Willam, Yumi, and Aelita traveled to the Cortex. 2 years ago. However, like the others, she was shocked to hear that Aelita's own mother seemed to be working with Tyron. She makes her final appearance in Temporal Paradox. Enjoying their normal lives, Jeremy, Ulrich, Odd Della Robia, Yumi and Aelita discover that there is trouble still brewing at Kadic Academy. The famous band of secret heroes are back with new Lyoko Warrior William Dunbar to fight the reawakened evil computer virus XANA. In my opinion Laura could've been a great character, but she was mishandled. July 29, 2013 The three Lyoko Warriors can't do anything against the massive army of monsters, and they take shelter behind the Megapod. Written by (William's power is only because of being possessed by X.A.N.A). Never is the acting over-the-top, which can turn some people off that liked the livelihood of the . She smiled smugly when she left and denied that there was anyone at the door. William was later saved. She is next seen in Confusion, where towers were being activated and deactivated randomly and, as the group goes to the lab, Laura followed behind them and asked what was going on. Ulrich Stern. Mrs. Einstein (FR) Sito ufficiale, su Her interactions with the group as time goes on, however, depicts her in a darker light. The characters will be played in Spanish by @ailinnalain, @lexir_cl, @ace_mcdougal, Silvekun, @lupesarrini & @code_lyoko_7 The song "Un . 2 years ago. She denies knowing anything about them, but Aelita comes in and tells her that Tyron found the Supercomputer, and that she must come immediately. Pauline Serieys is an actress who resides in France. Laura made her first appearance during math class in the fourth episode, Madame Einstein, where she solved an equation that Jeremie could not, which humiliated him. Analyse: Roman de science-fiction. was using a specter of Aelita's mother to steal back his source codes so she had Odd and Yumi to deactivate the towers on Lyoko. Code Lyoko Evolution: Season 1. Summary: A sequel to the original 2003 series when the famous bandit of secret heroes we know are back and fighting the evil computer virus XANA in the live action sequel. Also known as The web does not show that the colon is the dominant usage. He warns everyone . fr:Laura Gauthier Jeremie reluctantly does so and solves the math problem, much to Laura's visible disappointment. However, like the others, she was shocked to hear that Aelita's own mother seemed to be working with Tyron. However, they do not plan to share any details about the missions and plan to keep her as uninformed as possible. A Venise, le jeune Mikaël décide d'entreprendre un pèlerinage à Jérusalem pour purifier son âme. 0:30. She is clever, curious, and ambitious. She calls Tyron to get enrolled into his school, but her amount of knowledge about quantum science isn't enough for it. Pauline Serieys, Actress: Code Lyoko Evolution. Preceeded by XANA was using a specter of Aelita's mother to steal back his source codes so she had Odd and Yumi to deactivate the towers on Lyoko. Laura comes back and asks if they really are his best friends. from We did not find results for: Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these? Différente. Déterminée. It was here that the Lyoko Warriors hoped for answers. Alors que Thom rêve de devenir sorcier, Alanna, sa sœur jumelle, n’a qu’une idée en tête : se faire adouber chevalier. Code Lyoko Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. However when Jeremie denies knowing anything about the subject, Graven moves on to Laura instead. Aug 31, 2019 - Photo of Elle sait. She is very interested and addicted to computer games and virtual reality. Laura tells Aelita that she knows Franz built the Supercomputer as well as Lyoko. By: Felikis. "Code Lyoko Evolution - 3D CGI" contains images from the virtual world in Code Lyoko Evolution. Code Lyoko Evolution English Dub. The Lyoko Warriors are in their mid-teens in this series, but Quentin Merabet, Mélanie Tran, and Diego Mestanza (William) are 21, 20, and 19, respectively. Laura was pointless, Jeremy and Aelita aren't even as . Browse more videos. Hackette: Laura manages to make the Virus work on the super computer running Lyoko, which makes the Return to the Past less effective on her.And this was with Jérémie watching her. There she helped Jeremie out with the labs' machinery. She was not willing to let the Lyoko Warriors risk the safety of the world just to find Aelita's mother, and went as far as to manipulate William in order to see X.A.N.A. Code Lyoko Evolution English Dub. This leading Laura to leave the Factory early to go get her own answers. URL consultato il 6 aprile 2007 (archiviato dall'url originale il 6 aprile 2007) She becomes furious, giving Laura a short lecture on how William was possessed by X.A.N.A. Aelita states that her father didn't abandon her, but actually sacrificed himself for her and remarks if Laura's father would do the same, before she returns to the lab. ca:Laura Gauthier for fans of Laura Gauthier - Code Lyoko Evolution 38716801 Graven forces the girls to take him to the lab. The Catalan subtitles for this episode can be found here: The title of this episode refers to Laura defying Jeremie and the rest of the gang and acting out on her own. Surprisingly, she manages to understand everything Jeremie is working on at first glance. She helped out the team on a mission in Lyoko. It first premiered on December 19, 2012 in France and February 28, 2013 in the USA. The team's next Secret Chaser. Laura Gauthier is a student at Kadic Academy, who became an uneasy ally of the Lyoko Warriors during the events of Code Lyoko Evolution. Jim, and newcomer Laura, but subpar with others, such as for Aelita, who now seems to have a stick up her bum most of the time, and for Yumi. But before they did, meanwhile, Aelita was struggling with the specter but suddenly it disappeared in her arms due to the tower deactivating which was partially Laura's fault. But then Sissi because an extremely minor character in Code Lyoko Evolution and Laura Gauthier showed up to presumably take her place… But I ship William and Sissi regardless!" Posted April 26, 2014 with 41 notes
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