Industrie des technologies de l'information dans le secteur manufacturier. 2015 - 2018. Master's degree Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science 3.85 2014 - 2018 Activités et associations :Treasurer at the Junior Entreprise, President of the Handball Association Students complete a suite of core and capstone courses and also select three to five additional courses to complete their . Des expéditions d'apprentissage sont organisées pour découvrir un écosystème de données et de startups (ex. By clicking on continue, you will visit the website of École Polytechnique, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Extend the use of Theano to natural language processing tasks, for chatbots or machine translation Cover artificial intelligence-driven strategies to enable a robot to solve games or learn from an environment Generate synthetic data that ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 12.4 Dans l'enseignement supérieur, l'École polytechnique et Télécom ParisTech ouvrent à la rentrée 2014 un nouveau Master en Mathématiques pour la science ... January 5, 2022 at 12pm (noon) January 27, 2022. This method ensures the concrete learning of the students and the regular application of their new knowledge in Data Sciences. Students then have to communicate and deploy their solution. Master's degree, Applied Mathematics - Data Science. Si les étudiants des Masters of Science and Technology acquièrent des connaissances théoriques et pratiques bien équilibrées, c'est grâce aux cours remarquables dispensés par les professeurs de renommée mondiale de l'École polytechnique, les centres de recherche associés, les partenaires universitaires nationaux et internationaux et . Le cours aborde également la question du stockage des données, car les entreprises d'aujourd'hui doivent constamment repenser la structure de leurs systèmes d'information sans compromettre les performances et la sécurité. Le programme donne aux étudiants l'occasion d'explorer un large éventail de méthodes dans les domaines des statistiques et des mathématiques appliquées. 2010 - 2012 . Préfecture de Casablanca, Morocco. L'enseignement se concentre en grande partie sur les données produites par des cas "réels". These programs are the result of close collaborations between École Polytechnique and world-class French and international institutions and companies. Pour la deuxième année du cursus, HEC Paris met l'accent sur les données pour les entreprises à travers une série d’études de cas d’entreprise et de cours sur la création de valeur à partir des données. The online Master of Science in Data Science program begins with a foundational track required for students without appropriate math and/or programming experience. 2008 - 2011. The X-HEC Master of Science and Technology (MSc&T) in Data Science for Business comes in third place worldwide out of 120 comparable programs for its first ranking by QS. - Data Science Applied to Finance - Blockchain Economics École Polytechnique École Polytechnique Master of Science - MS Data Science for Business 3.84. French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development for international students). The Data Science for Business Master's Program is a two-year programme that combines a business and scientific approach to current Data Science challenges. But it's not all science and math, the language and sport classes are also a great aspect of the curriculum!”, Benyamin Bidabad, student in the STEEM Master's, "Getting into and graduating from École Polytechnique are never easy tasks. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-designated degree program. The second year is spent at HEC Paris, and uses learning-by-doing methods to help students enhance their management knowledge and apply it to solve complex business challenges. During these two years, students benefit from world-class faculty and study alongside leading data scientists in specialized research units within a competitive environment. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 166This work was partially supported by the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering ... Master's thesis, ́Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, 2003. 4. Its various undergraduate and graduate-level programs - Bachelor of Science, Ingénieur Polytechnicien (Master's level program), Master's, and PhD - are highly selective and promote a culture of excellence. Microeconomic analysis: The microeconomics component gives students the tools for learning about corporate . The Master of Science program in Applied Physics at NYU Tandon School of Engineering is an unparalleled advantage for professionals Page 7/11. Ecole polytechnique Ecole polytechnique Master of Science (M.Sc.) École Polytechnique is the leading French institution combining top-level research, academics, and innovation at the cutting-edge of science and technology. . London, New York, etc.). Python est devenu en quelques années un langage majeur dans l'univers des applications centrées sur le traitement des données, et plus particulièrement des gros volumes de données (big data). November 25, 2021. DS-ENSAE-8 Geometric methods in machine learning. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 391Mr. Anelli received a Master of Science in Electronics Engineering from the ... Kyle Bergquist is a Data Analyst in the Economics and Statistics Division of ... After my Data Science & Management Master at Ecole Polytechnique, I needed to be useful to others through my work: that is why I am currently conducting a second Master at ETH Zürich, to apply my Data Science skills to a domain that actually impacts people - Public Policy. See when we will be near you! Utrecht University Utrecht University Summer School Data Science specialization. Deux ans Anglais Septembre 2020. For more details on the program at École Polytechnique, see their website. En savoir plus. Data Visualization, AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science -Microsoft University Recruiting Team Microsoft University Recruiting Team -Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics (AIBA) Group Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics (AIBA) Group . Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing, Internet of Things: Innovation and Management, Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy, Data Science For Business (Joint Degree with HEC), Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance, Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management, Energy Environment: Science Technology and Management. We are delighted to welcome Ahmed Taha Eddahbi . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page xix... Department for Economics and Data Analytics, World Intellectual Property ... Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), France, and holds a master's in ... Master Year 2 Data Science Read more Master Year 2 Mathematical Modelling Read more Master Year 2 Probability and Finance Read more . Covid-19 update: we are open for the 2021/22 academic year. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Bader, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. With this book, you will be able to create and program home automation projects using the Raspberry Pi Zero board. The book will teach you how to build a thermostat that will automatically regulate the temperature in your home. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 22Master's thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, September 1986 Garavel, H.: Compilation of LOTOS abstract data types. In: Vuong, S.T. (ed.) ... Veuillez noter que la bourse du CROUS n'est pas compatible avec notre diplôme. The B.S. Le Master Data Science For Business X-HEC (Sciences de données pour les entreprises) est un Master en deux ans conçu pour des étudiants de haut niveau, orientés vers l'international. Il vise à former des managers et spécialistes des données afin qu'ils deviennent les entrepreneurs, les intrapreneurs et les gestionnaires de données de demain, qui créeront des startups percutantes, perturberont les modèles économiques et conduiront l'innovation. GD-AIM - Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Visual Computing; GD-CYBSEC - Cybersecurity : Threats and Defenses; GD-DSB - Data Science for Business; GD-EDCF - Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance; GD-EESTM - Energy Environment : Science Technology & Management École Polytechnique - MSc in Data Science for Business This leading Paris business and technology school offers a two-year master's program focused on filling the needs of global businesses . Data is at the core of nearly every business decision. data analytics for business strategy, regulation and compliance in data science, digital transformation…) and business challenges with companies, during which students work on complex real-life business issues using sophisticated and up-to-date data sets. The second year is spent at HEC Paris, and uses learning-by-doing methods to help students enhance their management knowledge and apply it to . Please see details of each program for further information. Read Online Applied Engineering Physics Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 336Ping Lin is a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at ... Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) and a Post-Master degree of Science ... industry-oriented master's degrees also equip you with the practical skills and initial work experience necessary to hit the ground running in industry. Durant ces deux années, vous bénéficierez du réseau de partenaires industriels, institutionnels et de recherche de l’École polytechnique et d'HEC. Ils sont souvent aidés par des assistants d'enseignement.De plus, les étudiants assistent régulièrement à des conférences données par des représentants du monde académique ou d'entreprises de premier plan, qui leur parlent de questions importantes liées à la data (législation, éthique, etc.). Please note that French "CROUS" scholarships are not compatible with this degree. In this video, we give you all the tips to prepare a strong application for the Master of Science and Technology at École Polytechnique, one of the leading s. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan Master's Degree Applied Mathematics - Data Science. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page xfor Computational Science and Engineering (ICASE) at NASA Langley ... and at the master degrees in Mathematics and in Data Science and Scientific Computing. • Worked within Data Science team which develops Content Square's software. Enseigné conjointement par l'École polytechnique et HEC Paris, ce programme vous donnera l'occasion unique d'étudier dans deux des meilleures institutions . Students then have to communicate and deploy their solution. They are strongly supported by an International Advisory Panel, comprising leading figures from the worlds of business, academia and government. It currently aims to train 70 students per year. A postgraduate degree in data science will allow you to build on the knowledge you gained at undergraduate level. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 564Fabio Caccioli is a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at University ... which comprises Quantitative Analytics, Risk Analytics, Data Analytics, ... Students have the chance to get involved in individual and team projects in collaboration with our many industrial partners, addressing real issues from and for real clients. Research paper: The second year is completed with a compulsory research paper. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-designated degree program. Le Master X-HEC Data Science for Business offre à ses étudiants une double expertise très recherchée dans tous les secteurs et industries. Robust servers and computer clusters are available for experimenting with large-scale datasets throughout labs at WPI, including many interdisciplinary facilities. (For students already registered at École Polytechnique or HEC, please contact us for further information about tuition fees). Biographie du président de l'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, qui a hissé cette école d'ingénieurs dans le classement des dix meilleures universités scientifiques d'Europe. Data Science and AI. Le programme associe une approche scientifique et commerciale aux enjeux et aux défis actuels de la data science. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 165... spécialiste en data science, a fait ses études à l'ENSAE et à l'École polytechnique. ... a suivi un master d'entrepreneuriat technologique à Berkeley, ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 278Brightwell, M.: Data acquisition statistics and filtering mechanisms for technical infrastructure monitoring. Master's thesis, Ecole Polytechnique F ́ed ... L’École polytechnique participe à de nombreux événements dans le monde chaque année. Students will work on a specific subject during 4 months with the help of a tutor. Our Research Center includes 23 excellent scientific departments in eight major fields addressing today’s most pressing social and technological challenges through interdisciplinary and cross-functional projects. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 75... en data science de l'ENSAE ; – Le master spécialisé big data de Télécom ... Le master scientifique « big data for business » de l'École polytechnique et ... : data analytics for business strategy, regulation and compliance in data science, digital transformation…) et des défis d'affaires avec des entreprises, au cours desquels les étudiants travaillent sur des problèmes réels complexes en utilisant des données à jour et sophistiqués. Enseigné conjointement par l'École polytechnique et HEC Paris, ce programme vous donnera l'occasion unique d'étudier dans deux des meilleures institutions au monde dans les domaines de l'ingénierie et du management. during the first year, they follow courses in statistics, machine learning and programming language, among others. View Yipeng JIANG'S profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. The first year takes place at École Polytechnique, with a strong focus on scientific and mathematic topics. DS-ENSAE-7 Auction and Matchings: Learning and Approximations. • Developed automation of websites' mapping tool now used by the Data Analysts. D'autres possibilités de bourses d'études sont disponibles sur le site Internet de Campus France (par exemple, auprès du ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international pour les étudiants étrangers). Ecole polytechnique Master's degree. In the first year, students will learn at École Polytechnique, emphasising scientific and mathematic topics. • Applied data science and statistical approach on parametric modeling of catastrophes, underwriting deals across more than 10 countries. Le Master Data Science For Business vise à doter les étudiants d'une double compétence, à la fois dans le domaine scientifique et commercial. It aims to train dual-profile managers and data scientists to become tomorrow's entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and data managers, who will go on to create impactful startups, disrupt business models and manage innovation. Double Majeure Mathématiques & Informatique, À propos du Cycle Ingénieur polytechnicien, À propos des Masters of Science and Technology, Master Artificial Intelligence & advanced Visual Computing, Master Cybersecurity: Threats and Defenses, Master Internet of Things: Innovation and Management, Master Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance, Master Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy, Master Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management, Master Energy Environment: Science Technology and Management, Programme d'échange académique international, Programme de stage pour étudiants internationaux, HEC Paris met l'accent sur les données pour les entreprises, Compétences de pointe en programmation informatique, Contribuer à la réussite d'un projet de big data en entreprise, Compréhension théorique des principaux algorithmes statistiques, Des data challenges de vraies entreprises. Lycée Moulay Driss Bachelor's Degree Mathematics, Physics, Industrial Sciences. This gives them access to preferential and discounted rates for over 150,000 products, services and experiences, relevant to all aspects of student life.Additional scholarship opportunities can be found on the CampusFrance website (e.g. Les étudiants doivent ensuite communiquer et déployer leur solution. E-commerce et commerce de détail (Amazon, FNAC, Darty, Cdiscount...). Sobre. Une compréhension approfondie des techniques d'apprentissage automatique. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 368Sarah Kohan has a bachelor's in computing science from the Instituto de ... and a master's in applied sciences from the École Polytechnique de Montréal. Content Square is a startup aimed at web and mobile optimization based on User Experience. They are often assisted by teaching assistants.In addition, students regularly attend lectures given by representatives from academia or leading companies, who talk to them about important data-related issues (legislation, ethics, etc.). Focus on Data Science. Diploma : Master in « Chemistry » University Paris-Saclay Goals The "Molecular Chemistry, Science and Engineering" Master is a high-level scientific and academic program devoted to molecular chemistry and its applications to the fields of biology and material sciences. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 35... and Katherine Maillet13 1 Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science, ... 12 School of Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, ... Covid-19 update: we are open for the 2021/22 academic year. October 19, 2021 at 12pm (noon) November 10, 2021. The X-HEC Data Science for Business Master’s Program provides its students with a very sought-after double expertise across all sectors and industries. The X-HEC Data Science for Business Master of Science and Technology is a two-year program designed for high-level, internationally oriented students. If you are looking for a research Master's, please visit our PhD program page. Pendant la première année, ils suivent des cours en statistiques, en apprentissage automatique et en langage de programmation, entre autres. The Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance Master of Science and Technology is a two-year course taught entirely in English. The Rensselaer M.S. in Information Technology balances the study of management strategies and technology leadership with advanced course work in an IT concentration. (Pour les étudiants déjà inscrits à l’École polytechnique ou HEC, veuillez nous contacter pour plus d'informations sur les frais de scolarité). Consultancy agencies (McKinsey, Accenture, Cap Gemini…) and Business Intelligence (Keyris, Sopra Group. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 116Ninety gained a qualification equivalent to a master's degree or above, ... The pre-eminence of Polytechnique and Sciences-Po is confirmed by the fact that ... See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Yipeng's connections and jobs at similar companies. Taught jointly by École Polytechnique and HEC Paris, this program offers the unique opportunity to study at two world-leading institutions for engineering and business. May 2015 - Jul 20153 months. Data Science Degrees Online Coursera. The program trains students in the field of data science and equips them with excellent technological, scientific, strategic and business skills. Modeling and Analytics: Building, adapting and applying AI/Data Science Algorithms, ideally by leveraging advanced mathematical techniques in order to meet the needs of the different departments of OCP Group . Keep up to date with the latest updates, videos and articles about all of Ecole Polytechnique's programs. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 582Master In global supply chain management of Ecole Polytechnique Federal de ... in Big Data and Data Analytics , demography , socioeconomic management ... Chaque université attribuera de façon indépendante une bourse ou une aide financière à l'étudiant. While the MSc&T are mainly geared towards students who plan to enter industry immediately following graduation, it also meets the European prerequisites for admission into a PhD program. Read the English description and apply here Double major in Mathematics & Computer Science, About the Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program, Master of Science & Technology (MSc&T) Programs, Artificial Intelligence & advanced Visual Computing Master, Cybersecurity: Threats and Defenses Master, Internet of Things: Innovation and Management Master, Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance Master, Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy Master, Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management Master, Energy Environment: Science Technology and Management (STEEM) Master, Fees, Living expenses and on campus Services, Internship Program for International Students, Read the admissions criteria and procedure. Les étudiants travailleront sur un sujet spécifique pendant 4 mois avec l'aide d'un tuteur. from data manipulation, exploration, and visualization to analysis with powerful machine learning methods. • Created the automatic tool of geospatial analysis on tropical cyclones and historical loss visualization, scaling the cat-in-the-box products. I have been involved in the creation of the Datascience track of Institut Polytechnique de Paris. courses in statistics, machine learning and programming language, among others. ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUERoute de Saclay91128 PALAISEAU CedexFrance, Data Science For Business Master (Joint Degree with HEC). With École Polytechnique on our CV, we have more chances to get an internship and get a job after graduation in France. Après l'obtention de votre diplôme, vous pouvez envisager de travailler pour des entreprises de premier plan dans un large éventail de secteurs : Les frais de scolarité standard sont fixés à 20 800 € par année scolaire. École Polytechnique participates in many events around the World every year. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 364Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou received his PhD in computer sciences from the Orsay ... data processing from Sfax University, Tunisia, in 1998 and her master's ... Students must pay tuition fees for their host institution. Ask all your questions to our students! Solve problems in data- and information-intensive world. Following the École Polytechnique's tradition of excellence in the applied sciences, the Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance Master builds on your scientific training to provide an economics-based understanding of strategy and competition. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 262She pursued her Master of Computer Science in Rensselaer Polytechnique Institute and later her PhD from National University of Malaysia in the area of ... ISAE-SUPAERO ISAE-SUPAERO Master of Science - MS Autonomous Systems & Data and Decision sciences. Machine Learning and Data Science -Data & Decision @ Supaero Data & Decision @ Supaero . One day every week is dedicated to Data Camps, during which students work on data science cases in partnership with companies. Strong science background with a Master's degree in Complex Systems Science and another Master's degree in Physics, working for my PhD in Information and Decision Systems. Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Cet éventail de compétences unique et à double volet est conçu pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des entreprises du XXIe siècle. Mauricio Lelis Viotti Cavalin, student in the Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management Master's, “Employability at Polytechnique can be summed up in one sentence: It is employers that are looking for you and not the opposite.”, Louis Poinsignon, Student in the Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance Master's, ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUERoute de Saclay91128 PALAISEAU CedexFrance. Advanced machine learning, probabilistic graphical models, Hidden Markov models, Reinforcement and deep reinforcement learning, Structured data : prediction and testing, Data visualization. "The programs at L'X offer a range of career-boosting activities and workshops, elevating your experience as a student from a strict academic one to a true immersion in market and research environments". Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Mehdi, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. What's the program like, why they applied, how the campus life is.. Elle permet de bénéficier d'un accès préférentiel et à tarif réduit à plus de 150 000 produits, services et activités en rapport avec la vie étudiante. You will learn to combine fundamental research, technological applications and developments, and innovation management. Throughout the first year you will be trained in topics like project management, marketing, business law, international law, cross-cultural management, intellectual property, innovation management, entrepreneurship, technology venture creation, to name a few. These industry-oriented master's degrees also equip you with the practical skills and initial work experience necessary to hit the ground running in industry. Eight Master's Degree Programs for Future Industry Leaders, Covid-19 update: we are open for the 2021/22 academic year. Ecole polytechnique Master of Science - MS Physics. • Used clustering and semi . Voyez quand nous serons près de vous! HEC Paris offers a sharp focus on Data for Business for the second year of the curriculum through a range of business challenges and courses on how to create business value using data. Le Master Data Science For Business X-HEC (Sciences de données pour les entreprises) est un Master en deux ans conçu pour des étudiants de haut niveau, orientés vers l'international.
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